The RMC welcomes your donation to our three special funds, which have different purposes in fulfilling the mission of the club.
The Mt. Madison Fund is the “community memorial fund” of the RMC, receiving donations in memory of an RMC member or Randolph resident who has passed away. Often, the family of an individual who had strong ties to the club or the town will mention donating to the RMC in the person’s obituary. When you make a memorial donation, it is added to the Mt. Madison Fund, which is held outside the annual operating budget and is available to support special projects as determined by the board of directors. This way, even small donations—when added together– can help the RMC do big things. In recent years, the Mt. Madison Fund has helped pay for our 2022 Strategic Plan work and for major building repairs at Crag Camp.
The Andrew S. Tucker Fund was established in 1995 as a special memorial fund honoring Andrew Tucker [1966-1995], a member of the RMC trail crew in summer 1986. The Fund’s purpose is the long-term protection of RMC trails on private land, primarily through paying the legal costs associated with gifts of trail easements by landowners.

The Benjamin Hill Campbell Memorial Fund was established in 2016 to honor Ben Campbell [1956-1980], an avid hiker, RMC trail crew member, and AMC hut caretaker and trail crew member. The Fund’s purpose is to support major projects at the RMC camps and on our trails.

Questions about making a memorial donation or a donation to a special fund? Contact the President.