New Laura Waterman Memoir Available to Benefit RMC

We were able to order a number of copies of upcoming annual meeting speaker Laura Waterman’s new book, published in February, for purchase by RMC members. With her husband, Guy Waterman, Laura maintained the Franconia Ridge in the White Mountains of New Hampshire for almost two decades.

In this book she tells the full story of her unique life. It began on the campus of a boy’s school and took her to mountains, growing her own food, and writing. In these pages, readers find what it’s like to grow up the daughter of the scholar who put the dashes back into Emily Dickinson’s poetry; how Waterman coped with that brilliant father’s alcoholism; her development as a groundbreaking climber; and her homesteading life for almost three decades. In these pages she reveals how she kept her strong sense of self while living with a dynamic, lovable, and often challenging man, her late husband, Guy Waterman. She examines closely her role in his suicide on Mount Lafayette in 2000. Find it in out store here.
